I always remember quality & price, professionality, reliability & reputation. I'm not the best, but I still try to do better, I understand well that "if I do not, someone else will"
Saturday, July 6, 2013
You're Everything
When you finally meet someone who means everything to you, then you have everything in this world that anyone could ever imagine.
Something Very Special About You
Written by: Maria Elouisa E. Enerlan
Date: January 31, 2010
I really don't know how to explain it, but I guess if you could truly see how much I really care for you and how much you mean to me. It’s like I always look forward to seeing you everyday. You know, that grin on your face that only belongs to you and when every time I see you I really can't help but smile because I know that there is just something about you. Every time I feel your hand in mine my heart suddenly beats faster. I really wish that I could tell you right then and there that my life could never been better because I know I have you to share it with me.
When you wrap your arms around me even for just a simple and gentle a hug with thoughts of you on my mind. You should know how much I really want stay in that moment forever and tell you how much you are loved by me. When we come close enough for us to be together our lips touch and we kiss. It’s like that nothing around us seems to matter because I know there is nothing sweeter than having these feelings. I know that no words could ever express how much you mean to me. I do hope that you have these feelings for me too. I can't figure out just what it is, but in your actions there is definitely something very special about you.
Life With Love And Without Love
What is life with love and without love?
We have our own ups and downs in life; career, studies, families, and etc. "Love life." People involved are expected to be in pain. I guess the very reason why people are scared to take the risk of loving is because they are afraid to take the risk of getting hurt. When you love someone, you are ready to lose a part of yourself - to sacrifice. In making sacrifices that you will experience to be hurt, if a sacrifice doesn't hurt, it is not sacrifice at all. It is called charity. Giving charity to someone is different from giving love. Pitying a person is different from caring. Pity lowers the self-esteem of the person who was being pitied. It makes him/her feel helpless - sometimes even worthless. When a person is loved, he/she feels special. He/she wouldn't feel like a rejected weed in the garden, but a special plant that would blossom in the nurture and love of his lover. Lovers should also be sensible. One must learn how to think, although, thinking may destroy the affairs of the heart, but this would be better than a beautiful life ruined. If you think he/she is worthy of all the love and sacrifices that you can give, then, for heaven's sake; Love him/her! If you think that you see it as the other way around, I guess it's time for you to ponder on things.
Yes, everyone is worthy and capable of loving and being in love - but are you a person worthy of love? Is that person worthy of your love? Maybe it would be better if he or she loved another and you loved another. There are no perfect relationships, but we could bring a happy and good relationship with someone who could love you better. Sometimes we lose people because we love them.
True love isn't always the right love. Just remember - make a stand! Fight for what you believe in, but always be prepared to face the consequences of your actions.
The most
You're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep. Every time I think I'm over you, you come back and make me want you again. I'll there when you're down.
The most beautiful thing is to see a person you love smiling. And even more beautiful is knowing that you are the reason behind it.
I know it's stupid, but I still secretly hope that one day you will like me.
Dear Heart, please stop falling in love with people I can't get.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Satu Kalimat, Dua Persepsi
Oleh: Sonny Wibisono
"The eye of a human being is a microscope, which makes the world seem bigger than it really is."
-- Kahlil Gibran
ADA seorang saudagar kaya raya. Satu hari, sang saudagar jatuh sakit. Umurnya memang sudah tak lagi muda. Hampir mendekati uzur. Ia sudah merasa waktunya di dunia ini sudah habis. Sebelum wafat, ia meninggalkan wasiat kepada kedua anaknya. Wasiat pertama, bila ada yang berutang, janganlah engkau tagih. Untuk wasiat kedua, bila keluar rumah, janganlah sampai engkau terkena sinar matahari.
Beberapa hari kemudian, sang saudagar wafat. Ia pun dikebumikan di pemakaman dekat rumah. Setelah sang saudagar wafat, kehidupan berjalan normal kembali seperti biasa. Semua pesan yang diamanahkan sang saudagar kepada anaknya, benar-benar dijalankan oleh kedua anaknya tersebut.
Setelah beberapa tahun kemudian, kedua anak tersebut sibuk dengan masing-masing urusannya. Mereka mencari nafkah dan tinggal di dua kota yang berbeda. Akhirnya, setelah lima tahun tak pernah berjumpa, mereka bertemu kembali di kediaman mereka dimana mereka pernah dibesarkan dahulu.
Ada perbedaan mendasar dari kedua anak tersebut. Anak pertama, ternyata hidupnya begitu miskin. Sedangkan anak kedua, terlihat sangat makmur. Kekayaan melimpah ruah.
Sang Ibu yang telah renta pun bertanya kepada kedua anaknya. Ketika ditanya mengapa bisa terjadi perbedaan yang begitu mencolok, keduanya menjawab karena melaksanakan amanah yang ayah wasiatkan kepada mereka.
Sang anak pertama menjelaskan, bahwa ia menjalankan wasiat yang diberikan ayahnya, 'Jangan menagih utang kepada orang yang berutang kepadaku, maka setiap orang yang berutang, tak pernah aku menagihnya, makanya aku bankrut.' Untuk wasiat kedua, anak pertama menjelaskan, 'Ayah berpesan supaya kalau aku pergi atau pulang ke tempat bekerja, aku tidak boleh terkena sinar matahari. Akibatnya aku harus naik angkutan, padahal sebenarnya bisa saja berjalan kaki untuk menghemat. Tetapi dengan naik angkutan, pengeluaranku bertambah banyak.'
Anak kedua ditanyakan hal yang sama. Mengapa ia bisa begitu kaya raya dan hidupnya makmur. Katanya, 'Ayah berpesan, aku tak boleh menagih orang yang berutang padaku, makanya aku tak pernah lagi memberi utang kepada para pelanggan.' Sedangkan untuk wasiat kedua, anak kedua menjelaskan, 'Ayah berpesan, jangan terkena sinar matahari jika keluar rumah, maka aku berangkat lebih pagi sebelum matahari terbit, dan aku akan pulang ke rumah setelah matahari terbenam. Jadi aku dapat membuka tokoku lebih cepat dari toko yang lain dan lebih lama menutup tokoku sampai matahari telah terbenam.'
Kisah di atas memperlihatkan bagaimana sebuah kalimat ditanggapi dengan persepsi yang berbeda. Jika kita memaknainya dengan sudut pandang positif, maka segala hambatan dapat diatasi dengan baik. Tetapi bila kita bisa memandangnya dari sudut pandang yang negatif, maka hambatan yang dihadapi terasa begitu sukar untuk dilewati.